Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances with our current suppliers, there will be delays for young people who enrolled from January 2025 in receiving their Welcome Packs.

We are working hard to ensure that all participants waiting for a pack will receive it as soon as possible. In the meantime we encourage participants to access the digital copies of the Welcome Packs below. DofE discount cards can be requested through eDofE accounts.


New DofE participants are sent Welcome Packs directly to their homes when they register an address on their eDofE profile.

The  pack contains ‘doing your DofE’ information, Assessors’ Cards, leaflets for parents and carers and DofE Card discount information and offers.

For operational reasons, Leaders will distribute Welcome Packs to participants who have an overseas home address or who are doing their DofE in the secure estate.

Digital copies of the Welcome Packs are available below.

Opportunity Finder

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