Welcome Pack FAQs
What is in the Welcome Pack?

There is ‘doing your DofE’ information, Assessors’ Cards, a leaflet for parents and carers, and information on discounts and offers. The pack is different for each level, with relevant programme information. Digital copies of the Welcome Packs are also available here.

How do participants receive their Welcome Pack?

We send packs directly to participants’ homes when they register their address on their eDofE profile — sending information straight to their door without Leaders having to worry about it.

For operational reasons, Leaders distribute Welcome Packs to participants who are doing their DofE in the secure estate. For participants who have an overseas home address, packs are sent to their DofE centre, addressed to the participant.

How will I know if a participant has received a Welcome Pack at their home?

You will not be notified when participants are sent their Welcome Packs, but — as long as they enter a correct home address, with correct postcode in capitals — they’ll receive the pack within a couple of weeks.

What if a participant doesn’t know their postcode?

eDofE contains a look-up facility that will find the postcode when a participant enters the rest of their home address.

What do I do if a participant hasn’t received a pack to their home?

It may take up to 21 days from when a participant enters their address on eDofE for their Welcome Pack to arrive. If their pack hasn’t arrived after this time, the participant or their Leader should email [email protected].

If the participant’s pack has been returned to us, we’ll resend it to their DofE centre, care of their Leader. If it hasn’t been returned, we will send an un-personalised pack to their centre address.

Will participants receive a new Welcome Pack to their homes when they progress to Silver or Gold?

Yes. When a new Award level is added to a participant’s eDofE profile, this will automatically trigger the delivery of a new pack to their home, containing content specific to their new DofE level.

What happens if a participant is boarding at a UK school, but has an overseas home address? Which address should they enter into eDofE?

Participants with overseas home addresses should still enter their home address into eDofE. Their pack will automatically be delivered to their DofE centre in the UK, but will be addressed to the participant by name.

My participant entered their home address into eDofE, but their Welcome Pack has been delivered to their DofE centre instead. Why?

There are two reasons why a participant’s personal Welcome Pack might be delivered to their DofE centre so that their Leader can pass it onto them, even if they’ve entered their home address into eDofE.

First – if a participant’s pack has been returned to us as undeliverable, we’ll resend it to their DofE centre, care of their Leader.

Second – if our automated system can’t find a match for the postcode that the participant has entered into eDofE, their Welcome Pack will be addressed and delivered to their DofE centre instead.

We’ve set up this feature to make sure Welcome Packs make it to participants, and to prevent them going missing or being returned to the DofE. An unmatched postcode will automatically trigger delivery to the centre, rather than a home address, even if the rest of the address has been entered correctly.

There are a number of reasons why this might happen:
– A participant has entered an incorrect postcode – for example, by accidentally including a punctuation mark or a zero instead of an ‘O’.
– The postcode belongs to a new build property that hasn’t yet been added to the Royal Mail database.
– Our postcode data is refreshed periodically, so there may be occasions when a postcode is in the Royal Mail database, but hasn’t yet made it into ours.

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