We need your help to celebrate the amazing things young people achieve through their DofE, and the adults who support them.

This is Youth 2024 recognises and celebrates the amazing stories behind the DofE. It showcases young people and the adults who support them doing what they do best: rising above today’s challenges and making their mark on the world, their way. Each DofE journey is unique – and every person will be making a difference.

From teamwork and innovation to overcoming personal challenges, we want to shine a light on the amazing things that young people do through their DofE, no matter their age or Award level, to inspire and encourage others.

And we want to highlight the unrivalled commitment, passion and innovation of the adults who power the DofE – changing the lives of the young people they support. This is Youth 2024 showcases the range and reach of the DofE, highlighting the untold stories that deserve recognition.

Nominations for This is Youth 2024 are now open – and we need your help! If you know a young person or adult whose story should be celebrated, or if that’s you, find out how to nominate below.


Hoffem gael eich cymorth i ddathlu’r cyflawniadau anhygoel pobl ifanc trwy eu DofE, a’r oedolion sy’n eu cefnogi.

Mae Dyma Ieuenctid 2024 yn cydnabod ac yn dathlu’r straeon anhygoel tu ôl i wobr DofE. Mae’n tynnu sylw at y bobl ifanc a’r oedolion sy’n eu cefnogi yn gwneud yr hyn maent yn ei wneud arau: codi uwchlaw heriau’r oes a gwneud eu marc ar y byd, yn eu ffordd eu hunain. Does dim dwy daith DofE yr un fath – a bydd pob unigolyn yn gwneud gwahaniaeth.

O waith tîm ac arloesi i oresgyn heriau personol, hoffem daflu goleuni ar y pethau anhygoel y mae pobl ifanc yn eu gwneud trwy DofE, beth bynnag fo’u hoedran neu lefel eu Gwobr, er mwyn ysbrydoli ac annog eraill.

Ac rydym yn awyddus i dynnu sylw at ymrwymiad, angerdd ac arloesedd digyffelyb yr oedolion sy’n rhoi grym i DofE – gan newid bywydau’r bobl ifanc y maent yn eu cefnogi. Mae Dyma Ieuenctid 2024 yn amlygu ystod a chyrhaeddiad DofE, gan dynnu sylw at y straeon sy’n haeddu cydnabyddiaeth.

Mae enwebiadau ar gyfer Dyma Ieuenctid 2024 bellach ar agor – ac mae angen eich help arnom! Os ydych chi’n adnabod person ifanc neu oedolyn y dylid dathlu ei stori, neu os oes gennych chi eich hun stori o’r fath, mae gwybodaeth am sut i enwebu isod.

Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau yn Gymraeg. Dilynwch y broses a’r ffurflen ar y dudalen hon. Nid oes proses ar wahân ar gyfer enwebiadau Cymraeg.

Mae enwebiadau ar gyfer Dyma Ieuenctid 2024 yn cau am hanner nos ar 21 Gorffennaf.

Nominations for This is Youth 2024 close at 23:59 on 21 July 2024.

Image of 2 men sitting around a table with sheets of paper in front of them. They are talking to 2 young people and we can see the back of their heads.

Nominations are now open – and we need your help! Find out more about the categories you can nominate for.

Nominate for This is Youth 2024

If you know a young person or adult whose story should be celebrated, or if that’s you, nominate below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about This is Youth 2024? Read our FAQs.

2023 stories

Dive into the inspiring stories behind the DofE with our This is Youth 2023 winners, where resilience, innovation, change-making and more take centre stage.

Learn more about This is Youth 2024:

Opportunity Finder

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