Jake’s DofE Residential allowed him to discuss topics on a European stage
Jake’s Gold DofE Residential with Rotary Ireland’s Youth Leadership Development Competition took him across Ireland all the way to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.
Read how his Residential allowed him to discuss topics on a European stage.
Starting at Belfast City Hall and Stormont, the Northern Ireland Parliament Buildings, Dáil Éireann, Jake and 23 other young people from across Ireland and Northern Ireland had the opportunity to discuss topics like integrated education with the High Sheriff. While at Stormont, they talked to the Deputy First Minister and witnessed a live debate. Jake says this gave him “invaluable insights into the political landscape of Northern Ireland.”
The group then travelled to the European Parliament office in Dublin to engage in discussions around the political involvement with the European Parliament and the impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland. As part of a visit to the Dáil Éireann, the group also had a chance to take part in a Q&A with representatives from different Irish political parties, and Jake even discussed topics from the climate crisis to Ireland’s relationship with the UK with Michael Martin, the Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) of Ireland.
However, the “highlight” of the residential for Jake was the chance to attend the Euroscola event at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. Sharing his views on policies such as the Zero Pollution Ambition, Jake says this sparked a “dynamic debate” and a chance for him to stand up and address 800 attendees. He was also able to use this experience to share his views on voting rights for those aged 16 and above across the UK and Europe.
“The memories you make during your DofE Residential will last a lifetime.”
With Strasbourg being the “finale” of Jake’s residential, he says that it was six days of working “tirelessly” every night, from “preparing speeches, formulating questions, debating among ourselves and team building and leadership activities”. Far from being a rest, Jake says that the residential “broadened my political horizons and emphasised the importance of respecting others’ opinions” while also giving him more confidence with public speaking.
As someone who didn’t expect his residential to pan out the way it did, Jake’s message to anyone planning theirs is to “remember that sometimes the opportunity might come to you instead of you seeking it out”. For him, the most important thing is to try something new, and do something you know you’ll love. For Jake, throwing himself into the opportunity led to him having an unforgettable experience that will stay with him for life.
Read more about doing your Residential section here and understand the Residential Requirements.