Nikwax are the global leader in safe, high performance waterproofing, cleaning and conditioning for outdoor gear. All of the products have been tried and tested to ensure they are suitable for DofE expeditions and offer value for money. Nikwax products offer additional protection and prolong the life of expedition kit for DofE Leaders and participants, making expeditions more affordable and enjoyable for everyone.
What do you do?
We at Nikwax have been making cleaning and waterproofing products for over 40 years, to help people enjoy the outdoors in comfort. Nikwax is safe for you and kind to the environment and what’s more, every Nikwax product is water-based, non-flammable and doesn’t use any harmful chemicals like aerosols or fluorocarbons (PFCs). Making sure you look after your kit will in turn make it last longer, reducing the need for replacing it and saving you money and reducing your waste.
Nikwax is also the first and only Outdoor Company to receive a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development.
We believe that caring for the environment in everything we do is important. So all of our operational emissions have been balanced by planting tropical rainforest in partnership with World Land Trust.
Why do you work with the DofE?
Nikwax has proudly been in partnership with the DofE for over 10 years. Our values naturally align, from sustainability to education; we are both determined to make a difference. Through our partnership, we take joy in supporting and helping young people discover, enjoy and respect the great outdoors.
What do you think the DofE gives to or does for young people?
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has transformed the lives of millions of young people – teaching vital life skills and giving them the chance to take part in outdoor expeditions and exciting volunteering opportunities.
“Nikwax is incredibly proud to be associated with this charity” says Nikwax Founder, Nick Brown. “To be a part of something whose ethos is to encourage young people into the great outdoors and introduce them to its challenges and opportunities whilst developing outdoor skills is to be admired. We are particularly pleased to know that Nikwax is helping thousands of young people to keep themselves and their kit comfortable and protected each year whilst on their DofE expedition. No matter what the weather throws at them.”