DofE Recommended Kit

What is DofE Recommended Kit?
When doing a DofE expedition there are several items that participants need, or their parents/carers will need to buy. As referenced in the DofE Kit Guide one of the question participants need to ask themselves is whether they already have, or can borrow, kit from family or friends that is relevant for their DofE expedition to save the cost of buying new items.
If unsure, the participant should ask their Expedition Supervisor if an item is suitable for their chosen expedition. If participants/parents/carers need to buy expedition kit, the DofE has put together a list of expedition products and brands that we recommend as fit for purpose for a DofE expedition.
When we select kit to be ‘DofE Recommended Kit’ we use several criteria:
– It must be a suitable product for DofE expeditions – all levels, across the UK from March to October.
– It must be fit for purpose – lightweight to carry, durable in all weathers, and comfortable if clothing.
– It must be good value for money – the quality and price of the product is appropriate for a teenager who may or may not continue to use the kit beyond their expedition. This should not be seen as the cheapest product available.
– It must be widely available in a variety of retail and online stores so they can be purchased from most areas in the UK.
– It must adhere to recognised industry standards relevant to the product category.
– It should be an established product, with existing distribution, so that it has a greater likelihood of being listed in one of the DofE’s Recommended Retailers and of continued availability either in-store or online.
– The manufacturer of the recommended kit agrees to pay the DofE a small royalty on all sales of the product to help more young people achieve their DofE and potential in the future.
These products have been given the accreditation of ‘DofE Recommended Kit’, which is often seen as a graphic logo, which clearly shows that this kit is Recommended by the DofE.
Buyers will see this logo clearly marked against a specific product online, and in stores, on the product, either on the packaging, a ticket/label or stitched in the label.
Since 2013, the DofE has received £2.5m from royalty payments linked to DofE Recommended Kit purchases, that helps support more and more young people get involved and complete their Award.