Running DofE
- DofE Leaders’ Handbook
- Running DofE Residentials
- DofE Young Leaders
- Running the DofE through a Community Group
- Running DofE in prisons and young offender institutions
- How to run DofE expeditions
- Incidents
- Recruitment toolkit
- Delivery toolkit
- Keeping young people safe
- Welcome Packs
- Promoting your group
- eDofE
- Additional needs
- Training
- Emergencies
- Sectional Certificates & Certificate of Achievement
- Expedition Assessor Directory
- Assessor’s Report
- Expedition resources
- Expedition FAQs
- Insurance
- DofE Brand Centre
- DofE logo
The DofE provides a minimal Personal Accident cover to provide out of pocket expenses to participants/Leaders. Public Liability insurance cover must be provided by the Licensed Organisation, which will provide an indemnity in respect of their legal liability (and that of participants and adult helpers) for bodily injury or damage to property arising in connection with a DofE activity.
Personal Accident Insurance: Whilst engaged in any activity relating to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and any trip in connection with participation in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Bona fide holders of a Welcome Pack and eDofE account issued by a Licensed Organisation who are no younger than 13 and have not attained their 25th birthday resident in Britain.
Personal Accident Insurance: Whilst engaged in any activity relating to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and any trip in connection with participation in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
In the event of injury, claims may be made for out of pocket expenses up to £75 per week (max 104 weeks) after being assessed by our insurers via a claim form with proof of receipts and medical information.
Parents/Guardians may wish to provide their own higher insurance cover via alternative providers.
During the Expedition section the provider (e.g. the school, Licensed Organisation, youth group etc) of the training, practices and qualifying expedition should have in place the insurance to deliver this section.
Leaders/volunteers/instructors/Supervisors/Assessors approved by an Licensed Organisation and other adults assisting in any capacity in connection with the Operation of the DofE Award resident in Britain.
Personal Accident Insurance: Whilst engaged in any activity relating to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and any trip in connection with participation in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
In the event of injury, Leaders/volunteers/instructors/Supervisors/Assessors claims may be made for out of pocket expenses up to £150 per week (max 104 weeks) after being assessed by our insurers via a claim form with proof of receipts and medical information.
Leaders/volunteers/instructors/Supervisors/Assessors may wish to provide their own higher insurance cover via alternative providers.
The DofE is unable to provide any personal accident cover to anyone over the age of 80.
Contact the Office Manager at the DofE Head Office in Windsor. A claim form and additional questionnaire will then be issued to the insured person. The form should then be completed and returned to the Office Manager. The form is then checked and forwarded to the insurance company. Having provided any additional information the insurance company requires a settlement will then be calculated and a cheque issued. The cheque will usually be issued by the insurance company direct to the insured person.
The Office Manager
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
9 Greyfriars Road