Information if you are planning on visiting Northern Ireland to complete your DofE expedition in the Antrim Hills.
DofE Northern Ireland
E: [email protected]
There has been a ‘bog slip’ in the Croaghan (118 308) area and the waymarked path to the summit of Croaghan is currently closed.
River Bann information
“While the WaterwaysIreland survey of Carnroe Weir has listed it as being in a critical condition, it is not listed in the unsafe category. Catastrophic failure is very unlikely. In this scenario WaterwaysIreland sees no reason why customers cannot continue to use Carnroe Lock for passage of canoes in the area as normal. WaterwaysIreland will continue to assess the weir and will advise if the situation changes.”
The River Bann, including the section from Movanagher Weir to Agivey Bridge can be used for DofE practice and final expeditions with the following conditions:
– Groups follow the recommended canoe route contained in the WaterwaysIreland canoe trail and follow river signage at all times.
– Groups and Supervisors liaise with Lock Keepers re river conditions, particularly during periods of heavy precipitation.
Should the river be in spate advice must be sought from WaterwaysIreland and the Lock Keepers regarding the use of all sections of the river. WaterwaysIreland have also provided campsite facilities at Movanagher Weir which groups are encouraged to use.