Learn to cook with us online.
Bronze, Silver & Gold, 3, 6 & 12 month awards.
Range of cookery courses offered, covering skills to be able to prepare home-cooked food. Understand healthy eating: knife skills and safety: portion control: food hygiene: cooking on a budget and economically
Learn to plan meals and cook a wide variety of recipes including vegetarian: baking: street food. Main course, starters, puddings, pastries & snacks.
We will send you a video & easy to follow recipe every week, you send us photos & feedback. Start any time, it couldn’t be easier.
Feel free to WhatsApp us with any queries on 07880 500176 or 07967 35369.
10 years + experience of DofE courses. 100’s of satisfied & successful participants.
Check website for more details of recipe plans and booking details.
Contact us now!