Opportunity Finder

Chase Training Solutions – Gold DofE Photography Residential – Surrey – October 2024

Our residentials are a combination of learning photography skills in the outdoor environment, post-processing techniques to edit photos, as well as having the opportunity to undertake some conservation work in the area that the residential takes place. We want to encourage young people, who have an interest in the natural world and the outdoors, to help them develop their skills and knowledge and perhaps consider it as part of their career choices.

Venue: Sayers Croft (Surrey Hills National Landscape)

Date: 28th October – 1st November 2024

Cost – £275 (inclusive of VAT) Your payment covers the cost of administration, bunk house accommodation and food during the residential, staff supervision, and activities.

Embracing an ‘open and accessible to all’ policy, we ensure that young people are at the heart of everything we do, allowing them to benefit greatly from their participation in the DofE programme.

All residentials run by CTS are designed to bring young people together, to have fun, make new friends, take away great memories, broaden interests, and gain valuable experiences; whilst enabling participants to complete the requirements for the Gold Residential section, meeting the aim and benefits of the section and wider DofE programme.

Course date:
28th October 2024
Course location:
Surrey Hills National Landscape
Course fee:

Opportunity Finder

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