Zackery Phelps

I commenced DofE whilst in Y9 at school, completing Bronze and progressing through the awards. I’m currently weeks away from my 18th birthday and completing Gold. For someone who finds academic achievement challenging, DofE has enabled me to achieve many personal successes.

As a member of Scouting, I’ve been able to become a young leader, developing skills and confidence and complete Young Leader training as part of Volunteering.

Through the different levels of the award, I’ve focused on a range of skills developments, from building and programming robotic Lego, Photography (something I’m now focusing on as a career and currently studying at college, to learning a life skill, Cooking.

Having been born with additional health needs, including a Congenital Heart Defect, I have utilised my love for swimming as a consistent focus for my Physical section, developing technique and stamina, as well as importantly maintaining my general health and fitness.

Expedition completion has been challenging due to the conditions at times, walking in rain, navigating through thick fog and the odd mistake, that even involved descending down Jacobs Ladder, Cheddar to realise the groups error and having to climb back up those 274 steps to continue our route. The Covid pandemic and restrictions has impacted on ability to complete the Gold Expedition, but with a Covid safe combined practice and final about to go ahead, I can’t wait for the challenge that Dartmoor has yet to unfold.

I signed up to the National Citizens Scheme and not only did this provide its own adventure, the initial week, completing outward bound activities and team building with young people I had never met, enabled me to complete my Residential section for my Gold award, showing how DofE can achieved in a variety of ways.

Throughout completion of the awards, I’ve grown personally, developed skills and confidence and created memories for life. I will be proud to finally achieve my