Wendy Hart

It was in the 60's I started the D of E scheme but I had to to another school at the other side of Ipswich to do it. I went in at Silver so had to do the bronze catchup as well. It meant I had to be more adventurous and meet new people (I was the only one from
my area). I even used a friend to join me for my bronze expedition one Sunday as everyone else had done theirs. It was a good experience for us both as we had never been together without parents being in earshot!
The second expedition was using a youth hostel for the overnight stay, and that was a first too. A very exhausting weekend!
It also persuaded me to carry on with my interests and I swam in competitions during this time!
When I was looking for employment I can remember going to Awre Orford Ness and the interview board asked me about my D of E!
I also won an award to go to Outward bound school in Mid Wales and at the interview they again asked me about my Dof E!
If I hadn't gone into a work training scheme needing day release and 2other evenings I would have continued to complete my gold, which is something I wish I had managed.
Dof E helped me to develop to become a confident person who would face many challenges during her work and family life.
Thank you to the Duke of Edinburgh!