Vicki Hamilton

When my daughter started Y9, her school didn't off the DofE Award to students, so she asked me if I would deliver it, which of course I agreed to do, after completing the necessary training. My daughter has now completed her Bronze and Silver Award and is mid way now through her Gold. Delivering the DofE programme to young people remains one of the single most rewarding jobs I have ever done and I will be forever grateful to my daughter for asking me to get involved. Watching young people develop as they progress through the programme is hugely rewarding; developing crucial and necessary soft skills that help shape them as individuals and prepare them for the challenges they will face in life. I genuinely believe every young person should be given the opportunity to start their DofE journey. I am now lucky enough to work for The Duke of Edinburgh's Award supporting Licenced Organisations, in the City of Manchester, to deliver the DofE programme to young people - for me, the very best job ever! HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, has indeed left the most incredible legacy.