Trudy Jupp

I completed all three levels of the award, receiving my Gold at Buckingham Palace in 1983 in the presence of HRH Prince Philip. Three years later I joined a Gold Award Holders group and remained connected to the award for the next 28 years. I have so many great memories of my own award, particularly of my Gold expedition and it’s challenges of the Cornish coast. I remember it being the main topic of conversation when I was being interviewed for Nurse training in 1981 and played a significant part in my son being accepted for Pilot Officer training in the RAF 23 years later. It has been so rewarding seeing the changes and achievements the award brings to young people through running an Open Award Centre.
The Gold Award Association was like one big family and my own family experienced so much through this, travel, an abundance of outdoor activities and connections for life.
I was privileged to attend a garden party to celebrate the 50th anniversary and meet with Prince Philip along with attending a number of other special events over the years.
The D of E award really has been a major part of my life and my life really would have been very different with out it.