Tracy McDade

I was lucky enough to participate in the DoE scheme through the Girls Venture Corps. I completed my bronze , silver and gold award by the age of 18. The scheme gave me the chance to experience so many things that otherwise I wouldn’t have had the chance to do. I particularly enjoyed the expeditions especially the one for my Gold Award across the Peak District. I remember the sense of achievement after gaining each level of award and looking forward to starting the next. I learnt leadership skills, how to work as a team and problem solving, skills I use everyday. It was also great fun! I was very proud to be invited to a garden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate my gold award and together with my parents we had a wonderful day. My Mum was particularly proud to be a guest at the palace. I would recommend the DoE award to anyone as a fantastic opportunity to meet new people , learn valuable skills and gain confidence. Thank you to all involved in the scheme and what a wonderful legacy for HRH Prince Philip to leave young people for the future.