Suzanne Ellis

My overriding memory of D of E was the expedition where we hiked through the Yorkshire Dales. We had torrential rain which soaked through all our layers of waterproof clothing! We trudged through mud, got blisters, and I was so relieved when we reached the endpoint. As we ate our emergency rations in the car home, I felt as though I could conquer anything.

My residential was a course on outdoor activities in the Peak District which was great fun. I met some lovely people and kept in touch for years. We did activities such as canoeing, abseiling, rock climbing. Pot-holing was very daunting but I conquered my nerves and did it!

Doing D of E gave me opportunities which I wouldn’t have had. It taught me resilience, perseverance, taught me outdoor skills and I am very grateful to the volunteers who trained us, took us on practice hikes, and encouraged us when the going got tough.

I was hugely proud to be presented with the gold award by the Duke of Edinburgh at St. James’ Palace.