Suzannah Nichol

My DofE expeditions stand out as some of my favourite memories as a teenager. The excitement and freedom of hiking, camping map reading and cooking outside created a love of the outdoors that remains with me to this day. Singing eurythmics at the top of our voices, the boys setting their tent on fire, volunteering, learning that I could walk that extra mile if I wanted too - experiences that taught me so much with me even realising it.

I remember the commitment from our teachers in making the expeditions happen and the support from my parents - I am so pleased that my daughter is now working towards her bronze DofE - I hope she enjoys it as much as I did and also without realising it learns just what she is capable of.

A huge thank you to the Duke of Edinburgh for creating the programme and to everyone around the world who plays a part in enabling young people from all backgrounds and abilities to get out and discover themselves.