Susan Storer

On Thursday 19th November 1981, I was invited to Buckingham Palace to attend the Gold, Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
I had five girl participants, who achieved the Gold Award and I was invited to attend their presentation at Buckingham Palace by The Duke of Edinburgh
At St Margaret Clitherow School, Bradford, where I taught Food Technology, and as a promotion, I was asked to run the extracurricular, Duke of Edinburgh Scheme.
I was on maternity leave when I received the invitation to attend the awards ceremony.
My husband Ian, took a day off work to drive me and our
7 1/2 week old son Christopher (he will be 40 in September 2021) to London for the day so I could attend the awards.
I vividly remember being so excited and very proud of being part of the Duke of Edinburgh Presentation for the five girls, who achieved their Gold Award.
During the presentation ceremony, HRH Prince Philip made every effort to have a lengthy chat to each participant, showing that he was genuinely interested in what they had done to achieve the award.
The sad passing away of
The Duke of Edinburgh brought back many happy memories nearly 40 years ago.