Susan Roberts

I would just like to Thank You.

I completed my Gold Duke of Edinburgh in 1984; when I was twenty. It is the award that I am most proud of, I list it at the top of my qualifications. Because when I think about the challenges of each of the awards and the skills I had to learn and develop, and learnt from them things about myself as a person, I find that they are integral to the roles I have held in my professional life, and have reflected the choices I made when volunteering too.

I don’t particularly want this to be about me but to be about saying thank you for the opportunities and challenges that were there for me through the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.

To believe that a young person can achieve something beyond their comfort zone, do things they never dreamt of, or thought possible, or even what others expected them to do is one thing, to give them an opportunity, support and encouragement to actually do it is another entirely.

To scoop them up when it goes wrong, pour on encouragement and instil confidence again, and again if necessary. Make Yes You Can! become Yes I Can! Yes We Can! is the mark of a society that sees potential, possibility and achievement in all its young people. And so Thank You HRH Duke of Edinburgh, for your inspiration and commitment to Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. God bless you Sir, your legacy continues.