Susan Morgan

I joined the Award Scheme in the early 60's and was one of the first group of girls to take part through the Oldham local award committee. I loved the wide variety of activities, from Hair and Make-up to Gas in the Home, Child Care, Ice Skating and the cycling expeditions for which I managed to rope in my unsuspecting brother and his friend! I particularly enjoyed a week's leadership training course away from home where I made new friends with members of the Girls' Brigade.
What I particularly liked about the D of E scheme was that it was possible to succeed through hard work and perseverance whatever one's natural ability. Through the Scheme I really felt that I had achieved something and as a result the foundations were laid for me to build the confidence and self esteem I needed in my adult life.
One of my proudest achievements was becoming the first schoolgirl in Oldham to gain the Gold Award and the day I received the award at Buckingham Palace where the Duke was kind enough to say a few words to me remains one of the highlights of my life.
I am so grateful to the Duke of Edinburgh and everyone involved in the scheme for the way it has enhanced my life.