Steph Brown

I started the Duke of Edinburgh whilst at school, being fortunate that it was provided. I started along with 130 odd other students at Bronze - and truly hated my first practice expedition, I wanted to give up. But I persevered and drew to love the programme, going through to complete through to my Gold - of which, from the initial 100+ participants, I was one of 4 to complete it that year. I suffer with anxiety and have very low self-esteem, throughout completion I always shied away from answering questions - however looking back, completion of my Duke of Edinburgh award is something I am truly proud of. I have so many memories, had such a laugh, and for me, I proved to myself that - if I put my mind to it - I can achieve and complete. I am so grateful for the opportunity to complete my award and still, to this day, something I talk about with fond memories, experiences and skills that will follow me through life