Sophie Steele

I learnt a lot about myself completing the Bronze DOFE Award. We completed our expedition during a massive heat wave. So I’m sure you can picture us walking in open fields with very heavy bags, little shade from the sun...yeah it was extremely difficult and I genuinely didn’t think I would be able to finish. I did. I learnt that I am more of a resilient person than I thought I was. I learnt that I am capable of doing whatever I want as long as I put my mind on it and push through. I also got to share those 2 days with a group of friends and the memories I made through that, and the bond we created persevering through it will never fade. That feeling too when we saw our parents waiting and realised we had actually finished was a feeling I will never forget. Volunteering can be rewarding too! I was given the opportunity to mentor year 7’s who were struggling to read, and watching them grow in confidence week by week was just amazing. Without DOFE, I don’t think I would have gone out of my way to do that, but helping others with something we generally find simple, like reading, was truly humbling. DOFE definitely shaped my character, making me into a more resilient, considerate and compassionate person. I truly believe everyone should participate if they are able to as the skills you develop participating, will last a life time. I will forever be grateful for this award and the opportunities it brought along with completing it!
