Sheila Ives

We were a motley crew of 18 year olds in 1968 walking from Canterbury to Dover for our Bronze DofE award. We managed the 20 miles on a hot dusty day and arrived to stay at the YHA with many blisters, aches and pains. For most of us this was the first time away from home and family and we had to rely upon each other's strengths and cope with each other's weaknesses. A good, early, lesson in life, especially in this "outward bounds" experience.
We were a group of young leaders from 2nd Harlesden Girls Brigade and also undertook "Handyman in the Home", Physical Education and St John Ambulance adult First Aid courses.

As we got older and grew apart we all faced different life challenges, but for me the sense of "self" that I gained from the scheme helped me, I am sure, through the many ups and downs of my own life.

I hope the DofE scheme can be enhanced, refreshed and expanded to help as many youngsters as possible.
Thank you SO much to the Duke of Edinburgh.