Sharon Hunt

I gained my DofE gold award aged 18 back in 1988. It wasn’t always easy especially the expeditions, but it taught me determination and resilience. Teamwork was vital. It taught me empathy especially working within my local community doing things such as delivering meals on wheels. I spent several weeks working at a holiday home for disabled adults during the summer I left school.

I felt immense pride to be awarded my Gold at St James Palace by the Duke & Seb Coe. I was very proud to talk about my DofE at subsequent job interviews. It gave me huge confidence. I also met my husband -Steve of 30 years whilst doing my gold expedition in Snowdonia. Steve and I kept in touch with our DofE instructor Mr R L Metcalfe for many many years after completing our awards, in fact, until he died. We had huge love and respect for that man.

So many happy memories. A wonderful scheme for young people. What a fabulous legacy the Duke has left for future generations.