Serena Gupta

Rest in Peace The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip. By launching DofE Award Scheme he has been highly influential in helping to develop the Youth of the UK in confidence and growth.

I have such fond memories of DofE. I completed Bronze, Silver and Gold. I joined the scheme at age fifteen for Bronze and I received my award aged nineteen at St James Palace.

One of the biggest memories for me was the Gold expedition whereby from the 12th to the 15th July 2018 myself and a group of girls from my school paddled against the flow of the River for 63 miles from Runnymede to Abingdon. Our aim for the expedition was to investigate the levels of litter along the River and discuss waste management options. We concluded that the River was in fact a lot cleaner than we had anticipated. My group and I got on excellently and we laughed for 90% of their expedition. We always remained positive even when our strengths were challenged. I loved learning camp craft skills and getting used to activities in the outdoors.

I am also so grateful to Duke of Edinburgh for launching the DofE Award Scheme as not only have I formed great memories evident with my example above, but I have also taken part in volunteering and conservation work. It did not end once I received the award. I currently study History of Art at the University of Warwick and alongside my studies I still volunteer with English Heritage and local Art shops. Due to my experiences with DofE, I grew a love for community work and I still do it to this day. Therefore, the legacy of Duke of Edinburgh is strong and receiving the Gold Award as well as continuing to volunteer I have made myself and my family proud.

I can only thank the Duke of Edinburgh for starting the award scheme and I thank my school for encouraging us to get involved in the scheme too.

I went to Buckingham Palace today and left flowers for Prince Philip. He will be hugely missed and he was very loved.

Thinking of the Queen.