Sasha McCann

I was lucky to complete my Bronze, Silver and the majority of my Gold awards at school. As a shy teenager the award gave me the confidence to pursue my interests and also pushed me out of my comfort zone with the expedition and physical sections...the mud and cold from Bronze practice still makes me shudder.
Fast forward a few years and I was close to the cut off for completing my Gold Award. I managed to find a supportive group where I was now living and I have the honour of calling those leaders my friends. I completed my Gold and remained as a leader. Those were fun times, and I can honestly say that I met my husband in a field.
I was fortunate to attend an award ceremony at St. James' Palace as a leader and had the opportunity to meet Prince Philip. A funny, charming man who through his enthusiasm and foresight was able to offer opportunities to so many young people who maybe would not have had the chance otherwise.