Sarah Sheppard

I only ended up completing my Bronze Award, although I also did my Silver expedition and would have loved to have gone onto Gold. As a participant the highlight for me was always the expedition section. I already loved the outdoors, but DofE gave me the skills and confidence to get and out enjoy it independently. This is something I have continued to do as an adult. To plan, navigate, problem solve and complete a multi-day expedition in your mid-teens is an incredible feeling and experience, and one I am passionate about other young people having as a DofE manager. As a manager I now also see the amazing benefits the other sections bring: encouraging teenagers to keep going with or start a new sport or skill at a time when many of them might otherwise give things up and get consumed by exams, and giving back to their local community. The Award teaches them skills they could never learn in classroom and creates lifelong memories; a truly amazing legacy.