Sarah Roberts

As I go to bed tonight I reflect on how Honoured, privileged and thankful I am for HRH Prince Phillip!

Privileged to have not only taken part in The Duke of Edinburgh’s award, but to have gone on to become a Gold Award Holder and get the opportunity to meet HRH Prince Phillip at St James’ palace for my award presentation!

Being part of The Duke of Edinburgh’s award however gave me so much more than that!! I went on to become a Young Leader which gave me the opportunity to travel to Kenya ?? for a month long visit! There in started my love of Africa! What I saw and experienced in Kenya as a 19yr old opened my eyes and helped shaped the person I am today!

I then went on to become a Young persons representative at the Duke of Edinburgh’s head office panel in Windsor, that afforded me the privileged position to meet HRH Prince Phillip on a further two occasions! One at the Guildhall in London and then again be lucky enough to get invited to his 80th Birthday celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall! (This also happened to be the first “official” date that I invited my now husband David Roberts on!! ?????)

Being part of the Award, having gained the Gold and been a part of the other things I’ve mentioned also helped Land me my first Teaching Job (I know, because they told me once I started that it was my DofE that decided it!!)

So I’d like to say my own personal “Thank You” and RIP Prince Phillip??? you’ve through your award helped shape me into the person I am today!

The memories, experiences, friendships and opportunities that DofE has provided me with I will forever be grateful and thankful for! ???

Forever Thankful, honoured and privileged! ??????
