
When I started my Bronze award, I was really struggling with my mental health. However, I started volunteering for my local rainbow group as part of the award and over time, I realised how much of a positive impact it was having on my mental health- I'd come home really happy afterwards, and feeling like I was making a positive difference to my community was really fulfilling. I also enjoyed walking as my physical and playing flute as a skill, both of which I already did regularly however doing the award motivated me to make sure I did both of them every week. My Bronze expedition was both fun and challenging- my group raced through the checkpoints in the practice up until (what should've been) the last 15 minutes, where we walked straight past the campsite and kept walking for another half hour. When we realised our mistake and located ourselves on the map, we were a bit frustrated but laughed about it once we arrived back at the campsite.