Sandra Williamson

So many wonderful memories and the opportunities it gave me coming from a rural area was fantastic. Thank you.
For my service I volunteered at a local hospital which gave me the foundation of importance of communication and personal and basic care.
For my residential I went on a week away with disabled young people canoeing on the Tamar and in the sea. It was crazy fun helping young people canoe when I was still trying to learn!
When I went for my nursing interview - I spoke about my amazing experience of my Gold journey and this I know helped my success of starting my nursing career.
Going with my mum to receive the Gold Award from the Duke of Edinburgh at St James in 1985 was fantastic - I am naturally quiet but the award gave me the confidence to speak up for myself and speak up for others and to be adventurous.
Moving forward 30 years both my daughters have received the Gold Award. I am so thankful that this has build their leadership skills and confidence in dealing with people. Particularly their volunteering at a local church children's group. Plus my youngest daughter the achievement of completing the expedition was a highlight for me and a surprise to her.

Thank you to the Duke of Edinburgh Award for positively impacting our family - amazing everlasting and unforgettable memories.