Sam Parsons
DOFE was and still is the best achievement I have completed. It taught me such valuable skills at a young age which set me up for my future career in teaching. One memory that sticks out was on my gold expedition me and the rest of my team were so excited we got to the top of the third peak we decided to run down. Bad idea as I went flying down the hill. Luckily I was all okay and we all had a great laugh. That’s the thing with the DOFE award you make new friends, make great memories and learn new skills.Another great memory was getting to meet the Duke of Edinburgh at St James palace. I remember Prince Philip coming to speak to me and the people I did me expedition with. It was a huge honour to receive my award from him and it gave me, my family and my school great honour that we received this great award. Today I am now a Science teacher, inspiring the next generation to go on and achieve this award. Telling them my story and what you can learn and accomplish at such a young age. Have to thank my inspiring teachers at Chester Catholic high school who pushed and motivated us throughout this experience.