Sam Mazzotta
In year 9 and 10 I decided to take part in DofE Bronze and Silver, I hadn't done any volunteering before and even 4 years on I still do it now, it has allowed me to make good friends and work with younger children. I did scouts as well and I have always loved going hiking, but never like out DofE hikes, where at one point, me and my friend Evan took turns in carrying our team-mates backpack when he was feeling under the weather, it was a test of our strength and teamwork to get to the end. The navigation was always fun, going the wrong way and missing a checkpoint (or getting to the checkpoint before our leaders did) it was always interesting and never the same each day, we all became friends and played football cards and Frisbee and we made a campfire and toasted marshmallows, and cooking meals each day, it was so much fun and I loved every minute, especially how rewarding it was seeing the minibus at then end of the LONG hikes