
Admittedly the first thing that comes it mind when I think of my DOFE experience is the torrential rain experienced on one of our practice Gold expeditions... that certainly was a challenge in itself!
But I definitely wouldn't be the person I am today without my DOFE adventure. Over the years, I saw huge improvements in my self confidence, as well as the other practical and life skills gained naturally throughout the programme. Initially my time spent volunteering really put me outside of my comfort zone, but ended up being an incredibly enjoyable an rewarding opportunity.
I had the chance to work alongside, and build relationships with people outside of my school friendship circle, and had the freedom to find my own confidence and strengths.
And like the beautiful view of the Yorkshire Dales we were treated to once the had rain cleared, memories of the time spent working towards my DOFE awards will stay with me forever.

Thank you to HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, for creating such a wonderful programme and providing so many young people with the experience of a lifetime.