Robert Willmott

I started the d of e award in 1964 at Horsenden Secondary School in Greenford through our maths teacher Mr Ben Lavery, 12 of us started that year and only 2 of us attained the gold award in 1970. Sadly due to illness Mr Lavery passed away before I left school and started the gold award, the legacy he left behind stirred me on to go for the gold award. The memories of the time doing the scheme are immense and it made me the man I am today, the outbound trips, the hobbies, sports, meeting of so many people. Attaining the gold award was gratifying as having left school in 1967 with the silver, meant I was out on my own along with a my friend Roger Pavitt, we worked together for 3 years in liaison with Ealing Borough Council who gave us the guidance to achieve the award along with the 7th Perivale sea scout group who helped me out, there are so many people who I cant thank enough helped Roger and me, we did the gold award expedition in the Brecon Beacons, did residential courses in Thaxted in Essex, did horse riding, archery, shooting, I took up football reffering and covered Middlesex league matches for 12 months. Starting work in 1967 as a trainee, I got encouraged via the training officer to continue with the gold award, they allowed me to take time off for events like the expeditions and courses. All this led to me attaining the gold award in 1969 but didn’t get to Buckingham Palace until July 1970, where I first met the d of e, a memorable day, later local award ceremonies at Ealing Town Hall were held. Another time of meeting the d of e was at Hever Castle Kent along with my wife around 1980 for local councils to promote the award scheme and using attainees to provide their experiences, hopefully some of the people I met did take up the award and achieved all what I and others had done. Looks like the scheme is in good hands as of today, long may it flourish and once again to all those who helped me since 1964, a huge thankyou..