Robert Mason

I have enjoyed completing my Bronze, Silver and Gold awards which have seen me walking in heatwaves, camping in storms and canoeing down rapids but has also seen me successfully beat my personal best in long distance swimming, perform in front of large audiences and taken my volunteering in Scouting to a whole new level. I am now a District Youth Commissioner and a Queen Scout Award recipient and DofE has played a huge role in both of those achievements. Due to how much I enjoyed being a participant I am now booked on to supervisor and assessor training to help give others the same opportunity to complete the awards. I have always had to work hard on the academic side of my education, DofE has allowed me to excel elsewhere, improving my confidence, leadership and teamwork skills. It played a key role in my university application and I am sure it will help me in the future when I start applying for Jobs. Thank you DofE!