Rhianna Patel

I started my DofE journey back in 2015 - I have achieved the Bronze and Silver Levels of the Award and I am currently working towards the Gold Level, whilst away at university.

The Award has definitely helped shaped me to become who I am today, and become the best version of myself. It has allowed me to believe I can truly make a difference in my community. As someone who cares and takes great pleasure in taking time out to help others, I'm extremely grateful to be a part of a scheme that encourages you to volunteer in a range of different ways and be part of something more. I feel that people that you help often appreciate and value the work you do more because you are not financially gaining anything - you gain things that are so much more valuable instead. The whole experience allows you to grow as a person, whilst forming strong friendships.

Starting when I was 14, I feel I've been able to work on so many vital, transferrable skills needed for my future career within the construction industry. I have developed my problem-solving skills at the expedition stage, as it also requires you to work effectively in a team. It has also strengthened my adaptability and flexibility in unexpected situations. For example, when collaborating with each member of the group when faced with difficulties during the hiking stages. The Award has allowed me to also gain self confidence to lead the rest of my team on certain legs. As a team we've been able to teach each other on skills required for the expeditions such as map reading, so that each of our weaknesses can be built upon and turned into strengths.

Although it may seem like there is no fun - I've had some amazing experiences, memories and laughs that I will forever remember. My teams will never forget the experiences we have had - from doing it on the hottest days of the year, to the on and off rain resulting in some getting their boots stuck in a field of mud!

Thank you to the Duke of Edinburgh for founding the