Rebecca Wood

I did my DofE award many moons ago with some the best friends I could ha e asked for... Anyway we were completing our hike and came across a fence... Unbeknown to us it was an electric fence and it was live. I got hold of it to hold it up so my friends could pass under it (I'm sure we were lost) and the charge went straight through me and into my friend who fell to the floor like a sack of spuds. When we reached camp and were getting ready for bed we got so told off for being noisy and ended up telling rude jokes (as teenagers do) only to find the teachers were stood there listening to each and every word. I was the last one to speak and was howling to get a phone call home about my behaviour. We ended the expedition at the deputy heads house where we had hot chocolate and a warm fire to sit round while waiting for the mini bus to take us back to school. They were some of the best times of my school career.