Rakhee Panchal

Participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme allowed me to amplify my outgoing personality and direct my thinking to forward looking, solution focused contributions to my school and community.

I felt motivated to move out of my comfort zone and, very basically, equip myself with survival skills that I believe everyone needs. I remember singing to motivate my school friends whilst hiking up a steep hill, and dancing my way over a small waterfall even though my team had completely lost our direction! I have so many cherished, funny, scary memories. But it has shaped the person I am today.

The Scheme was one of the utmost respected programmes at George Eliot Secondary School. Mr West did a mighty effective job in advocating for students to join the programme by being an incredible mentor but also a constructive guide on completing expeditions.

After completing my Bronze Award, I felt success had been bedded into my system. I had a view that it doesn't matter how difficult life may become, you, and only you, can grab the raft, pull yourself out of water, and navigate your oars to direct your life as you want.

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh himself has been a clear inspiration to me. His 'keep going and keep trying' attitude set the tone of my career and my life, understanding that nothing is unachievable. His legacy lives on through me, and through all my peers, before and after who have completed any part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

I will be making sure every child in my family completes the Duke of Edinburgh from now and for years to come!