Raghdaa Azzawi

i remember how i first started. i was scared. i don't even know of what. i was just scared of something. i thought that i'd never be able to complete a challenge and thought that i'd fail. but as it went on, i realized that there is no such thing as failing. it might feel like it, but its not. instead its just us feeling like we cant do it and convincing ourselves that. and we can get out. we can build whatever strengths we have and make them even stronger as well as work on our weaknesses. no one realizes that everyone can do it. but with DofE, personally it helped me break down the wall between me then and now. it showed me it is possible to do anything. even wanting to do it was harder at the start. i felt like i couldn't do it or complete it. i feel better knowing that im working on my weaknesses and making myself a stronger person.
i just want to tell everyone that anyone can do it, with the help of DofE and we thank our former founder for making it possible to everyone.