Pritika Ashwin Kshatriya

The DofE award was a very pivotal moment in my life, as some of my experiences and hardships there have shaped the individual I am today. During my Bronze award, I went through many perils - I was hit by a football at full force on my stomach the day we arrived at camp, and on the day that we left the campsite, I fell, and broke my front tooth and my nose. At this point I remember being given the choice of either going home via a taxi, or I could bear the pain and continue the hike. Without hesitation, I chose to continue the hike, bearing the pain, which was very empowering for me, as it boosted my ability to be resilient in the future against events which may not turn out as planned. When I’m asked about my experience during my DofE reward, I am met with rather confused faces when I say that it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life.