Phoebe Jeffery

I did my bronze, silver and gold DofE partly in the hope that I would get to meet Prince Philip, who I absolutely love! My gold expedition is a time that is engraved in my mind and always will be! I fell in a bog up to my tummy button, my feet were covered in blisters and I got stuck on some stepping stones but at least we didn’t get lost! DofE was an experience like no other. I worked as part of a team with people I wouldn’t usually work with, cliche I know, everyone must say that but really is true. Learning to be part of that team, who’s going to do the cooking, the cleaning, how are we going to divide the tent, the cooking pieces so we’re all carrying equal weights is team building which is going to help me through out my whole life.
This exposition has given me life long memories, things I talk about daily in fact! I thank the Duke of Edinburgh so much, thank you for this opportunity, thank you for my leaders who helped me. My time at the palace was postponed due to covid but I’m very much looking forward to it, it’ll be where we can all celebrate Prince Philip together and everything he has done!