Philip Wright

As a young man undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme in Lincolnshire, I participated in a county event attended by hundreds of participants and leaders held to promote the many aspects of the scheme. For my interest section of my Gold Award I studied windmills and prepared a display for the event. During the morning, the Duke spoke to me about the display and enquired why windmills? Living in Heckington which has the only working eight sailed windmill in the country generated the conversation. In the afternoon I was in a group of Gold Award holders who the Duke came over to speak to. What was remarkable was his comment: "Haven’t I already seen you today and was it not your interest in windmills that we discussed?" Over the course of the day the Duke must have met at least a hundred different people, his ability to remember and take an active interest in myself as a participant in the scheme has remained with me and I often recount the story to friends and colleagues.