Peter Hamilton
I completed my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award in June 2018, in Co.Wicklow, Ireland. I learnt a lot about myself during this time, and I think it’s fair to say that I experienced every emotion. From incredible highs such as fantastic views and special friendships made, to severe lows due to horrible weather and too many blisters to count, I felt it all. The expedition pushed myself and my friends to the limit. Starting early in the morning and finishing in the evening was physically and mentally draining, but this allowed the group to stick together and form special bonds. My expedition was in scorching temperatures which was demanding, but then again it was far better than the pouring rain and cold! Arriving at the campsite each evening was always a welcoming sight, and sitting around the tents with my friends each night were always special moments. We even went for a dip in the campsite lough! These were my favourite memories of the award, as the tiredness and pain brought all the groups together in a very special way. We all suffered together! I gained so many skills during the expedition, including teamwork, organisation and how to go 5 days without a shower! I also learned that I complain a lot! As well as the expedition, I completed all of the other sections of the Gold Award. Playing tennis and the violin for my physical and skills sections respectively, participating in a youth conference for a week in Northern Ireland for my residential and helping as a music mentor for my volunteering. All of these sections helped me develop many skills and form new friendships. The Gold Award is and always will be one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I would highly recommend to anyone considering participating in the future to not think twice about it. I can comfortably say that completely the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award is one of the most rewarding things I have done and ever will do.