Peter Burrows
This isn't a particularly special memory, but one that has always stuck with me for some reason.
We were on one of our practice hikes for the Bronze award, I think it might have been the first one. We were crossing a bog and had been warned to keep our feet on the 'sods of grass', a warning I failed to take to heart. All of a sudden I was waste deep in water and soil.
My teammates calmly pulled me out however I had failed to bring a change of trousers. The only team member with a spare pair offered me his without hesitation, however, as we were not the same build (he was much smaller than me) I spent the rest of the walk in a pair of skin tight track suit bottoms.
On every walk we did after that there was a running joke whenever we went near a bog, warning my team mate to get his spare trousers ready.
I learnt valuable lessons about listening to my team, being prepared and being willing to help others.
I will always look fondly upon the experiences I gained on my Bronze award and often wish I had taken things further into Silver and even Gold.
We were on one of our practice hikes for the Bronze award, I think it might have been the first one. We were crossing a bog and had been warned to keep our feet on the 'sods of grass', a warning I failed to take to heart. All of a sudden I was waste deep in water and soil.
My teammates calmly pulled me out however I had failed to bring a change of trousers. The only team member with a spare pair offered me his without hesitation, however, as we were not the same build (he was much smaller than me) I spent the rest of the walk in a pair of skin tight track suit bottoms.
On every walk we did after that there was a running joke whenever we went near a bog, warning my team mate to get his spare trousers ready.
I learnt valuable lessons about listening to my team, being prepared and being willing to help others.
I will always look fondly upon the experiences I gained on my Bronze award and often wish I had taken things further into Silver and even Gold.