Patricia Wiggins

I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the award and attained Gold circa 1968.
The opportunities presented were wide ranging and life enhancing. Photography, volunteering in a Children’s Home, attending a residential course in Wicken Bonhunt, Essex and our ‘Adventure’ in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, youth hosteling, were ‘stand out’ memories. (I guess now this all sounds a little tame).
It took a few years to reach Gold and the experience taught me not to give up when the going gets tough, to be tenacious and to value others. It certainly helped this Secondary Modern schoolgirl find employment and opened a few doors which would otherwise have been firmly shut.
The volunteering continued, I became a ‘Relate’ counsellor and now volunteer on the Greek island of Skiathos at a Cat sanctuary.
Meeting Prince Phillip at Buckingham Palace, shaking his hand whilst he asked me ‘Were the natives friendly on the Isle of Wight?’ Is a memory I will treasure, although these days probably would be deemed to be non p.c.
Thank you to the Duke of Edinburgh for understanding that for all of us, what matters is to become as ‘rounded’ as you can be, and for providing a map, in the form of the Award, pointing us in the right direction.... forever grateful to Prince Phillip for his vision and in admiration of his selflessness and devotion to our Queen.