Join us in celebrating the impact of The Duke’s legacy: explore the amazing memories, messages and stories of the DofE from people across the UK.

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Nina Tsang

The DofE Award experience changed my life. As a 16 year ...

Gregory Baker

Two fabulous expeditions and much writing. I remember walking (for ...

Josh Kotedia

When I first heard of DofE I wasn’t keen ...


I have achieved my Bronze, Silver and Gold awards and ...

Anna Mckinlay

Bronze physical I ran a 5k. In school pe I ...

Anthony Lavell

Right from the start, my DofE experience was memorable! The ...

James Beldon

With my friends in my local Air Training Corps Squadron ...

Catherine Mccann

The death of The Duke of Edinburgh reminded me of ...

Sharon Griffiths

So many children gained so many special experiences especially learning ...

Lynsey Mullins was Hickey

Achieving a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award as a teenager ...

Ella Machtynger

D of E was such a special event to have ...

Chris Wilson

Sincere condolences to the royal family. I am the youngest ...


Having completed all of the DofE awards with my best ...

Nathan McPhail

The DOFE award has change my life as it has ...

Rebecca Wood

I did my DofE award many moons ago with some ...

Sam Cowell

when me and my group where about 2 hours into our ...

Graham Dorrat

I have been a DofE leader in Shetland for almost 35 ...

Oliver Newby

During our expedition, on the first day, our group of ...

Charlotte Miller

Of course I have stories of our expeditions, everyone does. ...

Peter Wade

I struggled each year to complete the physical fitness section, ...

Michael Best

Had a great trip up to barrow in Furness. Had ...

Cordelia Haffenden

Bronze DofE, the best 2 days full of amazing memories with ...

Jane Barton

Mum and Dad were so proud of my achievement but ...

Wendy Mothershaw

Prince Philip was an important part of my teenage years ...

Nethusha Uththari Fernando

It is an honour for me to being able to ...

Jan Lloyd

Back in 1988 I undertook my bronze award, at school I ...

Alex Hubball

My founded memory, has got to be going to Buckingham ...