Join us in celebrating the impact of The Duke’s legacy: explore the amazing memories, messages and stories of the DofE from people across the UK.

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Neera Vyas

The Summer of 1986 I completed both my Silver DoE and ...

Judith Collis

I became a DoE fan after my daughters started their ...

Emma May Anderson

The DofE award has really helped me gain more confidence ...


love to the patron rest well?

Andre Gelinas

Andre (Andy) Gelinas and Ron Sequin was talking to Royal ...

Ande Treharne

I have thoroughly enjoyed the many years I have spent ...

Kate Williams

Did I realise at the time completing my Silver and ...

Sarah Nackasha

I will never forget how aged 15, I went up a ...

Katie Hill

DofE helped me so much through confidence building and a ...

Helen Langley

I remember arriving at Durham University from a Gateshead Comprehensive ...

Elaine Shakspeare

I began my D of E journey as a school ...

David Gregory

In 2019 myself and a team from Wilson James participated in ...

Adrian Mori

Many years ago I was luck enough to be selected ...

Philippa Willson-Rivers

I took part in the bronze DofE award scheme when ...

Elliot Butterworth

Our silver expedition group was feeling a little run down: ...

Jobert Fermilan

My DofE experience is a journey I will never forget, ...

Stephen Wilson

I have been the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Manager for ...

Liz Morrison

I was privileged to receive my Duke of Edinburgh Gold ...

Dhriti Pareek

This memory me and my friends have a laugh about ...

Stavros Yiannnouka

It was the summer of 1988 and as part of our ...

Michael Gay

My DofE Expedition was an excellent experience and opportunity, that ...

Stephanie Pearson

Participating in the bronze, silver and part of the gold ...

Kiaragh Brown

For the volunteering section of my D of E, I ...

Robert Elis-Paul

I have led DofE for a while now, and he ...

Isabella Watson

I am now in the process of completing my Gold ...

Paul Willis

Paul Willis - Bronze,­ Silver, Gold Achieve­r Memorable moments ...

Kate Holloway

Completing my DofE Bronze expedition during Covid 2020 restrictions with my ...