Join us in celebrating the impact of The Duke’s legacy: explore the amazing memories, messages and stories of the DofE from people across the UK.

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Hilary Swift

I have chosen to make a donation in memory of ...

Graham Grubb

I did my bronze award in I think 1978, don't remember ...

Sarah Smewin

Taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme gave ...

Robert Campbell

I am proud to say that I achieved the Gold ...

Suzanne Ellis

My overriding memory of D of E was the expedition ...

Clem Davies

We were the first ones in our grammar school in ...

Lauren Phillips

On my first bronze expedition a couple of years ago ...

Harvey Fruish

I completed my Gold award when I was 16 years of ...

Ivy Thomas

Achieving my Bronze Award has been one of the most ...

Nicola Mahtani

It was the final day of our silver walk, me ...

Jack Billington

I took part in the DofE Bronze level award experience ...

Charlotte Marris

I completed my practice and assessed DofE Gold Award Expedition ...

Steve Coles

I was introduced to the Duke of Edinburgh's award when ...

Iain Garside

My wife Jackie and i were priviliged to be members ...

Jessica Bebbington

I remember when I so nearly didn't sign up for ...

Usoku Macleod

DofE gave my child unforgettable memories and life experience. For ...

Brandon James

So sad

Rosaleen Andersen

I worked for the British Embassy in Oslo in May 2001 ...

Holly Large

I'd like to start by saying how much I LOVED ...

Alison Hazell

I really enjoyed doing my D o E at school ...

Lily Ockendon

D of E is something my dad has always talked ...

Alfie Smith

Dofe was a fun exciting experience that I did something ...

Sarah Parker

I wanted to do the D of E awards because ...

Judi Ord

I missed out on doing D of E awards as ...


DoFE gave me some confidence:)

Katie Reed

DofE gave me the opportunity and determination to take up ...

Iman Osman

I’ve made so many new friends and learnt so ...