Oliver Newby

During our expedition, on the first day, our group of around 8 people were confident in what we were doing. By one of the third checkpoints we were already off track and after a few hours we found ourselves a mile or so away from where we were meant to be. We got back on track in around half an hour and walked the complete wrong way down the path we were meant to. It wasn’t until we stopped for lunch in the woods car park that we found out that we were off track again, we found out when our DofE leader pulled up in the car park and found us and showed us the way we were meant to go. After a few minutes we set off on what would be an hour to two hour walk, we passed through fields with sheep and eventually got to the town near where we would finish and by the time we got back, all the other groups had their tents up and were cooking their dinner. We had arrived an hour later than everyone. We all set up our tents and began to cook our food, when we went to fill up our bottles in the school we went past a room where the teachers that were running the expedition were sat eating their dominos. The second day went a lot more smoothly as we managed to be the first group back by around half an hour. The first day made so many great memories with one of them being my friend dropping their phone along the way and his dad having to come out and get it for him.