Nina Bergonzi

As a disabled child I wasn’t sure if DofE was for me. I did my Bronze and surprised myself by really enjoying it.

I did my Silver & Gold as Explorations with help put in place for me.

Since getting my Gold Award my health has deteriorated. There are days I can barely function and use a wheelchair.

Thanks to the DofE Scheme I always say, “I might not be able to climb the stairs or take a step; but I’ve climbed mountains. No one can take that from me”.

I have so many good and bad memories from my walks, but I look back on them now with such fondness. The picture is of my Gold group on the furthest South point, Isle of Harris. We got up at 5am on our final days walk and we all ended up with sunburn down one side of our faces!!

DofE helped me in so many ways. My confidence, interactions with others, team building, etc. but it made me realise what I could do when I put my mind to it.

I will be forever thankful that HRH Prince Phillip created the DofE Award. I met him when I received my Award in the Throne Room in St James’ Palace. He was truly interested in us and it’s an honour to say I’ve met and spoken with him.
He has changed so many peoples lives across the world and his nearest and dearest must be so proud of the legacy he left behind.